Traded Life Policy Investments
To combat the relative illiquidity of the life settlement market, some investors are searching for the holy grail of a centralised traded life policy platform. Lack of liquidity is one of the key disincentives for investors new to the market. With historical volatility in traditional investments, a limited liquidity market makes some institutional investors uneasy. […]
6 Reasons to Invest in Life Settlements
There are plenty of reasons to invest in life settlements. This alternative investment has developed due to a unique necessity. In fact, it has caused a positive impact for both institutional investors and the insured individual. The prolonged low-interest-rate environment is forcing investors to embark on paths away from traditional assets as they seek a […]
Expanding Alternative Investment Thinking
Over our 10 years in operation, we have been committed to educating investors on this unique and low volatility asset, life settlements. Encouraging investors to expand their alternative investment thinking. Proceeding on this track, GI Asset Management is happy to announce that we are joining the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA). With this relationship, we […]
Sub Fund: GIS General Fund Declaration of Dividends 31st May 2017
The Board of Directors of Global Insurance Settlements Funds PLC is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 4 cents per share payable to the Class I shareholders of the GIS General Fund on the register of shareholders on 31st May 2017. In accordance with the terms of section 5 of Appendix 1 of the […]
Performance Cycle in a Life Settlements Portfolio
Understanding the life settlements performance cycle is the key to a successful investment campaign. From a manager’s perspective, this is also vital in managing client expectations. Although the asset has many non-traditional investment features it still does operates within a “cycle” of sorts. Like any asset class, life settlements provide certain potential excess return opportunities […]
Evolution of Life Expectancy Calculations
How is a life expectancy estimated in a life settlement transaction? Traditionally, this service has been performed by suitably qualified, registered underwriting specialists. They are given full access to current details of the insured life including current medical records and lifestyle information. Similarly, this is the process used by the insurance company when pricing and […]
Sub Fund: GIS General Fund Declaration of Dividends 28th February 2017
The Board of Directors of Global Insurance Settlements Funds PLC is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 1 cent per share payable to the Class I shareholders of the GIS General Fund on the register of shareholders on 28th February 2017. In accordance with the terms of section 5 of Appendix 1 of the […]
Don’t fake it! Show the real returns
It seems that fake news has been a hot topic lately. Even the life settlements market isn’t immune. We sometimes see published returns that seem too good to be true. We fear that some of these rely on valuation assumptions rather than actual realised returns. Headlines that report solely positive or smooth regular returns are […]
The life settlement market is heating up
This article was originally published on Life Health Pro ( Published on the 17th February 2017 , “The Life Settlements Market is Heating Up” and written by Robin S. Weinberger and Peter N. Katz A number of factors have reignited the life settlement market with both consumers and investors showing rising interest. The oldest […]
Conning Review: Seeking above average rate of return
The life settlements market size looks promising. The latest Conning Inc. research, “Life Settlements, Secondary Annuities, and Structured Settlements: Rate Increases Squeeze Returns”, suggest plenty more opportunities still exist in the life settlements market. The alternative asset class continued to attract investors into the market in 2015 and heading into 2016. Why? Because the prolonged […]