Healthy Life Settlement Market Growth Forecast for 2020

Looking ahead into 2020 it appears the life settlements market growth will continue. The market is gaining popularity amongst policyholders and investors. Conning & Co. released an independent study of the market in October 2019. The annual study on the life settlements market that saw the market was still in a growth cycle. With the third consecutive […]
3 Life Settlements Market Highlights and Outlook

Conning Inc, has released their latest highlights and outlook of the current market for life settlements. Life Settlements Steady Grown, Growing Potential 2017 predicts that there is still growing demand and supply in the market. However, insurers’ actions, particularly the increase in COI (cost of insurance) may create some market pressure in the future. […]
Conning Review: Seeking above average rate of return

The life settlements market size looks promising. The latest Conning Inc. research, “Life Settlements, Secondary Annuities, and Structured Settlements: Rate Increases Squeeze Returns”, suggest plenty more opportunities still exist in the life settlements market. The alternative asset class continued to attract investors into the market in 2015 and heading into 2016. Why? Because the prolonged […]